Overview: Customising job statuses lets you define the stages a job moves through, ensuring they align with your workflow. This guide will help you add, edit, or remove job statuses to create a tailored tracking system for your projects.
Job Statuses
The status of each job is set either manually or by automation when specific actions occur. Each firm is able to set-up their own Job Statuses but the system comes with some pre-determined System Statuses. The actual name of the status can be changed for each firm, but must be linked to one of the System Statuses as these are used for specific purposes in Workflow. The System Statuses cannot be altered, but can link to whichever Job Statuses you require.
Each Status can have it's own distinct colour and can link to a Kanban Column.
It is much better to keep the Workflow System uncluttered without too many Statuses and keep the colours simple - please give these a try before setting different colours for the jobs and Kanban columns.
The pre-determined Statuses (and linked to a System Status) are:
Code | Name | System Status |
NS | Not Started | Not Started |
PRG | In Progress | In Progress |
QRY | Awaiting Client Query | Wait Client |
RVW | Awaiting Review | Review |
SNT | Sent to Client | Wait Client |
CMP | Completed | Completed |
HLD | On Hold | On Hold |
CNC | Cancelled | Cancelled |
Each Status can have it's own Icon, Colour and be linked to a Kanban Column.
A Status may be deleted provided it is not in use.