Overview: A checklist template in Active Workpapers is a customizable list of tasks and compliance requirements that guides users through standardized workflows within record templates.
Administrators customize these templates to ensure firm-wide consistency and regulatory compliance while controlling which checklist items appear based on entity types and date ranges.
Accessing checklists
Editing checklists within Business Fitness templates
Select a Record Template: choose the template that uses the default checklist you want to modify
Click the 'Customise' Button: locate and click the Customise button within the chosen record template. This enables editing of the checklist items.
Edit checklist items: Once in customisation mode, you can:
Checklist item filters:
Set the filters for where you want the checklist item to show up in specific binders.
Include: allows you to filter which Workpaper binders you want this specific item to show up in. For example, if the checklist item relates to a tax law that is only applicable between 1 July 2024 and 30 June 2025, then you can select to have the item show up in Workpaper binders with start and end dates between these dates
Entity types: you can make the checklist item show up only in certain entity’s Workpaper binders. For example, if the tax law only applies to companies and would not apply to trusts or partnerships, then you would select company and this checklist item would only show in company Workpaper binders.
Saving & reverting changes
Save: click Save to apply your customisations to the checklist
Revert to Master: click this button to discard your changes and revert to the default checklist
Compare to Master: use this option to compare your customised checklist with the original template.
Creating custom firm checklists
The process for creating custom checklists is very similar to editing defaults. Select a record template to which you would like to add the checklist. You can add checklist items by clicking 'Add Item' or clicking the 'Import from Excel' option to import checklist items from Excel.
Additional tips
Consider using descriptive titles and clear instructions for each checklist item
Utilise filters effectively to ensure checklists appear in the most relevant binders for your users
Regularly review and update your checklists to reflect any changes in processes or regulations.
By following these steps, you can effectively manage checklists in Active by Business software, improving efficiency and ensuring users have the necessary guidance for completing tasks.