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Reporting - page templates
Updated over 3 months ago

Article Objective: To assist admin users in navigating the Admin Centre within Active Ledger & Reporting to customise the firms page templates.

Context: Page templates are individual pages that are inserted into the report master. 'Notes' can also be inserted into page templates. There are four different types of pages:

  1. Presentation (i.e. Cover Page)

  2. Financial Statements (i.e. Profit and Loss)

  3. Legal (i.e. Compilation Report)

  4. Story Board (i.e. Income Results)

Please refer to the Glossary for definitions of key terms used in this article.


Accessing the Admin Centre

Navigate to the Active Platform home page.

Click on your name icon and press Admin Centre.

Click on Ledger & Reporting Admin.

Click on Page Templates.

Adding a page template

The below screen will appear. To add a page template, click + New Page Template.

Once added, the below screen will appear.

The following table details the page template fields requiring completion.





Is used to identify the template when creating reports.



This will be displayed on the page and also in the contents section of the report.



Details about the field that will appear in the page template screen to give the user an idea of what the field is about.


Category (dropdown menu)

The category section of the financial report that this page will belong to.

There are four options:

  • Presentation

  • Financial Statements

  • Legal

  • Story Board


Jurisdictions (dropdown menu)

This will only appear if the firm is in multiple jurisdictions. Select as appropriate.


Allow multiple in a single report?

When checked, this means that there can be more than one per report.


Exclude from contents page? (checkbox)

When checked, this page will be excluded from the contents page. Reserved for presentation pages, such as contents or cover pages.


Hide Page Number (checkbox)

When checked, the page number will not be visible on the generated report for this page.

Note: Will continue to be factored into the page number calculations, so it is merely being 'hidden'.


Inactive (checkbox)

When checked, this template will be removed from the report masters and not displayed.


System Page Type (dropdown menu)

This is an advanced setting and is only relevant when creating a second version of a system account.



Content Fields

Allows entity-specific details to be added to a firm-wide page.

For more information, see the administrator article: Reporting - content fields.


Header (dropdown menu)

Details the type of header which will be displayed on the page (refer to 'Creating headers and footers' section in this article below).

There are five master option, as well as any headers created at an Admin level:

  • Financial Header as at

  • Financial Header for Period

  • No Header

  • Non-Financial Header

  • Non-Financial Header for Period



This outlines what is included on the page. It can be financial information, text, or various other data. To add and edit content, see the administrator article: Reporting - content editor.


Footer (dropdown menu)

Details the type of footer which will be displayed on the page (refer to 'Creating headers and footers' section in this article below).

There are three master options:

  • None

  • Report Default

  • Custom


Creating headers and footers

To add a custom header or footer, navigate to the relevant area in the Admin Centre by following the steps under the 'Accessing the Admin Centre' section in this article above.

Once navigated to the Ledger & Reporting Admin Centre, click on Header Templates or Footer Templates to customise.

Depending on whether you are in the Header Templates or Footer Templates screen, click + New Header Template or + New Footer Template.

For a header, you will be able to add:

For a footer, you will be able to add:

  • A Name

  • Text

  • An Image

Once created, custom headers and footers can be used in page templates. Footers can also be used for the whole report when generating a report.

Once all template fields have been completed click on Save and Close.

Editing a page template

To edit a page template, click on the relevant template in the list. This will bring up the same fields as when creating a new template. Edit as desired and click Save and Close to update.

Note: When one of the master templates is edited, it will lose it's archive icon as below. You can revert back to the master by opening the template and clicking on the Revert to Master button at the bottom of the page.

For information in relation to editing the existing page content, see the administrator article: Reporting - content editor.

Further, for information on how to utilise fields when building content, see the administrator article: Reporting - fields.

Tip: To edit the default signatory field in the Compilation Report, click on the Compilation Report page template and scroll to the bottom, clicking on the signature section as below.

The signatory field is automatically set to be the partners name and position allocated to the client, and the spacing is set to 100 pixels.

Best practice would generally be to keep these settings the same, however if you have more than one responsible person that you wish to sign, you are able to select the 'Require signature from all responsible persons' checkbox. This will outline all responsible persons needing to sign on the report.

You are also able to increase or decrease the signature spacing by inputting the pixel number. Generally we recommend keeping the default of 100 pixels to allow enough space for signing, however this is ultimately up to the user to decide.

Once you are happy with this field, click Save.

Note: Standard users are also able to update this field at a client level by navigating to the Compilation Report and selecting the 'Customise Content?' checkbox, clicking on 'Edit Content' and following the same steps as above. For more information in relation to editing this at a client level, see the knowledge article: Reporting - pages.

Deleting a page template

We recommend inactivating a template before deleting it to ensure that all users have alternative templates/reports to use. To inactivate a template, click on the relevant template and check the 'Inactive' checkbox when editing the template.

Click Save and Close.

To delete a page template, click on the relevant template and click on Delete in the bottom left-hand corner.

Note: Master templates cannot be deleted however any customisations made to a master can be deleted by clicking on the Revert to Master button.

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