Overview: The Admin Centre within the Active Platform allows admin users to manage user licenses efficiently. This article provides step-by-step instructions to help admin users navigate the Admin Centre and manage licenses.
Accessing the Admin Centre
Navigate to the Active Platform home page.
Click on your name icon and press Admin Centre.
Accessing your Firms License summary
Click on License Summary under the Firm section in the Admin Centre.
The below screen will appear with three screens License Summary, Users, and Active Support Users.
License Summary
The License summary screen shows a summary of products the firm is licensed for.
Allocated Licenses show the number of users that have been assigned a license to the designated product, while Total licenses show the number of licenses the firm has subscribed to.
If you are an 'Owner' User, you can also click the edit button to increase your firm's user licenses for a product.
You can also view the Audit log to see changes made to your firm's product licensing.
You can also request a trial to Active workpapers if you are on our legacy products on the same screen.
The Users screen shows all of your Firm's users and their assigned licenses.
To allocate a license to a user and configure their permissions, select the relevant user and scroll to the bottom of the screen. In the Licenses section, you will find a list of all the products the firm is subscribed to. From here, you can tick or untick product licenses for users, effectively controlling their access to specific product modules.
Once updated, click Save and Close.
Tip: You can also bulk add and remove licenses from the same screen by using the checkboxes on the left and selecting Bulk Add or Remove Licenses.
Active Support Users
In this screen you can view, add and manage business fitness support Users' temporary access to your firm.