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Creating a Report

To assist users in navigating Active Ledger & Reporting to create a report.

Updated today

Overview: Active Ledger enables users to generate various standard reports or customise their own report templates. This guide provides an overview of the steps required to create, customise, save, and regenerate report templates in Active Ledger.

For more information on creating a firm standard report, see the administration guide – Reporting – Overview. New firm defaults can only be created by a user with administrator privileges.

Please refer to the Glossary for definitions of key terms used in this article.

Creating a New Report

To create a new report, navigate to the Reports screen in Active Ledger. Click on + New Report to select the type of report you want to create.

Note: The list of available report templates will vary based on your firm's selections.

After selecting the appropriate report, you will be presented with the report settings page. There are three sections on this page:

  • General Options: General settings for the report, such as names and footers.

  • Report Columns: The columns that will appear in the financial section of the report.

  • Pages: Settings for each individual page, including the layout of financial information.

General Options

The general settings fields are outlined below:




Template Name

This is the name given to the template. It is only saved to the local client file, not any other files.


Report Title

The title of the report, which will be displayed on the index page.


(dropdown menu)

Determines the look of the report. This automatically sets to the 'Default' option. Styles can be created in the Admin Centre. For more information, see the knowledge article: Reporting – Styles.


Default Footer
(dropdown menu)

The default footer applied to all pages within the report. This defaults to 'Compilation'.

The options are as follows:
- Compilation
- Internal Use
- Those created in the Admin Centre


Hide All Page Numbers

When ticked, all page numbers are hidden in the report.


Consolidated Options

When preparing a consolidation, select the checkbox for Consolidated Report and enter a consolidated group name for the report.


Rounding Options

Multiple parts within this section:
- Rounding and Percent Rounding are set to default but can be manually overridden if desired.
- Rounding Division is automatically set to 'None'; to change this, select from the dropdown menu.
- To specify rounding figures for certain accounts, select accordingly from the dropdown menus under Rounding Accounts.


Page Layout
(dropdown menu)

Automatically sets to 'Default'. If you wish to change it to a short-form profit and loss, select from the dropdown menu.


Swinging Behaviour
(dropdown menu)

Automatically sets to 'Default' and determines how accounts configured to swing should behave when their balances are negative.

The options are as follows:
- Keeping Balances Together with Primary Column
- Keep Balances Together
- Separate
- Disable


Sign Off Date

The sign-off date you wish to outline on the report. This is automatically set to the date the report is generated but can be manually overridden if required.


Use Report Dates from Primary Column

When ticked, the cover page and financial titles will display the report dates used in the first column. To change this, untick this checkbox and input the start and end date manually.


Report Columns

In the columns section, you can update and change the column layout for the report. Below is a summary of the different fields and how they can be used:




(dropdown menu)

Select the dataset from which the data will be displayed.

Note: It is possible to have multiple columns with the same dataset. This is useful for reporting different divisions or time periods.


Column Header

These three headings will appear at the top of each financial page. By default, this will be the year and currency symbol. These can be manually overridden if required. This is useful when you wish to distinguish between actual and budget data.


Spread By
(dropdown menu)

Creates new columns based on the frequency selected, reducing your need to create multiple columns and filter by a specific date, division, etc. This is useful for creating quick filters for reports.

Options include:
- Division
- Trading Account
- Month
- Quarter


Primary Column

Automatically ticked for the first column as the system assumes this is the current year dataset. If not, untick this checkbox and select the column that is.



By Start Date
(date picker): Only displays transactions after and including this date. Be sure to select a date within the dataset.

By End Date
(date picker): Only displays transactions before and including this date. Be sure to select a date within the dataset.


By Division
(dropdown menu)

Select the division you wish to display. Filters the data shown to a single division. For more information on divisions, see the knowledge article: Accounts – Divisions.


By Trading Account
(dropdown menu)

Select the trading account you wish to display. Filters the data shown to a single trading account. For more information on trading accounts, see the knowledge article: Accounts – Trading Accounts.


Below is a sample of a completed column layout. The report will display only the Brisbane office division with six months of data for each column and the variance between the two.

Note: You can also add a year-to-date (YTD) column using this feature. For example, if you wanted to see quarterly results for the 2024 financial year and include a YTD column since it was not yet 30 June, you could do so by specifying the start and end dates.


Active Ledger comes with a variety of customisable pages that can be used to generate a report:


  • Cover

  • Contents

  • Compilation Report – SPFR

  • Accountant's Report Disclaimer

  • Client Declaration

  • Profit and Loss

  • Statement of Comprehensive Income

  • Balance Sheet

  • Statement of Changes in Equity

  • Appropriation Statement

  • Direct Cash Flow Statement

  • Indirect Cash Flow Statement

  • Notes to the Financial Statements

  • Depreciation

  • Trial Balance

  • Financial Excerpt

  • Income Results

  • Cashflow Results

  • Working Capital Results

  • Blank

New Zealand

  • Cover

  • Contents

  • Compilation Report – SPFR

  • Accountant's Report Disclaimer

  • Client Declaration

  • Profit and Loss

  • Statement of Comprehensive Income

  • Balance Sheet

  • Statement of Changes in Equity

  • Appropriation Statement

  • Direct Cash Flow Statement

  • Indirect Cash Flow Statement

  • Notes to the Financial Statements

  • Depreciation

  • Trial Balance

  • Financial Excerpt

  • Income Results

  • Cashflow Results

  • Working Capital Results

  • Approval of Financial Report

  • Directory

  • Blank

For more information on adding and customising different page types, see the knowledge article: Reporting – Pages.

Generating a Report Template

There are four options when generating a report:

  1. View in Browser (default): Select the Generate Report button. Once opened in your browser, you also have the option to export to Excel, PDF, or Word.

  2. Export to PDF: Select the arrow beside the Generate Report button and choose PDF.

  3. Export to Excel: Select the arrow beside the Generate Report button and choose Excel.

  4. Export to Word: Select the arrow beside the Generate Report button and choose Word.

Alternatively, you can choose to Save Only by pressing the Save icon.

Viewing a Report in Excel

Unlike many other systems, Active Ledger maintains the formatting and layout of your report when you export it to Excel. The Active Ledger add-in provides a formatting function that optimises row heights and page breaks. After exporting the report to Excel, click on the Format Report button of the Active Ledger add-in in the Home ribbon of Excel. You will see a pop-up and a message at the bottom of the screen indicating that the report is being formatted.

If you have not already done so, you can download the Excel add-in directly from Microsoft AppSource by clicking here. Alternatively, follow the installation details that appear after creating the data source, as shown in the knowledge article: How to install the Excel add-in (Active Ledger & Reporting).

Saving a Report Template

Once you have customised the pages and layouts of your report, you can save the report template for that client to use again in the future.

Important Notes Regarding Saving a Report Template:

  • If you leave the Reports page to navigate to any other area in Active Ledger, any changes to your report layout will be lost unless you save the template first.

  • If you make changes to a generated report, these changes will not be saved to the report template and can only be saved to that particular report.

To save a report, there are two options which can be found at the bottom of the report template screen;

  • Save Only (default): This will override the currently selected report settings for the current client. (Clicking Save and Close will also override the existing report and take you back to the Reports screen.)

  • Save As: This allows you to save the report as a new template for the current client.

Regenerating Reports

There are a few ways to quickly regenerate and view reports from within various areas of Active Ledger.

Within the Reports Screen

In the Reports screen, click on the Run Report button next to any saved template. This saves you from having to enter the report template to generate the report.

Regenerating a Report

Within a generated report, you can use the Regenerate Report button at the bottom to refresh the report with any changes made. This is particularly useful if you have the generated report open in one tab on your browser while working on journals or the chart of accounts in another tab.

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